Understanding the Basics: Examples of Golden Rules of Accounting by Accounting Capital

golden rules examples

For example, the golden rule means that if you want people to treat you with respect, then you should treat them with respect too. With a real account, when something comes into your business (e.g., an asset), debit the account. Credit the account when something goes out of your business. Nominal account − Relates all income, expenses, losses and gains accounts.

What are the 3 golden rules of accounting with example?

  • Rule 1: Debit all expenses and losses, credit all incomes and gains.
  • Rule 2: Debit the receiver, credit the giver.
  • Rule 3: Debit what comes in, credit what goes out.

In this article, we will discuss the examples of Golden Rules of Accounting. Accounting or bookkeeping can be categorized broadly into two parts; impersonal accountancy and personal accountancy. Within the bracket of impersonal bookkeeping, you get further two classifications which are real account and nominal account.

Debit Credit Rules Problem

Every company must present its financial information to all its stakeholders. For this purpose, all the business transactions should be recorded accurately in their respective account. There should be uniformity in account and to maintain it, there are three golden rules of accounting. These rules are the prime necessity to form the very basis of passing journal entries which are further useful in forming the basis of accounting and bookkeeping. Real accounts are moreover pertained to as permanent accounts. Rather, their proportions are carried over to the following accounting period.

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Analysis of year-on-year financial results becomes easier and trustworthy. To understand these rules, we need to take them individually and in the proper context. Let’s first understand the role of accounting in a business, to whom it applies, and find out the benefits of good accounting practices that follow these three golden accounting rules. Other standard terms in accounting are assets, audit, balance sheet, budgeting, cash flow, dividends, equity, and more. B (Debtor) Account Dr. To Sales Account (Being goods sold to B on credit) Hence, it can be conclude that the accounting rule is the basis of accounting.

Personal Account

For instance, you might come across a statement or some live quotes related to the golden rules of life. Current assets are assets (future economic value) of the business that will be consumed, or used converted into cash within the next 12 months. For instance, cash in hand, cash at bank, stock, accounts receivable, prepaid, etc. On the other hand, non-current assets are assets of the business expects will still be in use after a year, and not used or converted into cash with in 12 month. Examples of non-current assets are buildings, land, machinery, vehicles, office equipment, investments, etc. Real account − It relates assets and liabilities; it does not include people accounts.

What are examples of rules?

  • Treat People and Property With Respect.
  • Knock on Closed Doors Before Entering.
  • Pick up After Yourself.
  • Electronics Curfew.
  • Make Amends When You Hurt Someone.
  • Tell the Truth.
  • Practice Good Dental and Body Hygiene.
  • Attend Family Meetings.

For example, salaries account, advertising account, discount account, sales account, and commission received account etc. These accounts do not have any existence, form or shape. All kinds of expense how to create a beautiful logo in microsoft word with no stress account, loss account, gain account or income accounts come under the category of nominal account. Golden Rules of Accounting are used to record economic activity in books of accounts.

Criticism of the golden rule and potential solutions

Current liabilities are obligations that the business is required to satisfy within the next 12 months. Automate debit, credits, and bookkeeping with Nanonets. Let's say you buy $3,000 of commodities from Company X. To report the transaction, you must debit the expenditure ($3,000 purchase) and credit the revenue.

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Debit the account if your company has an expense or loss, with nominal accounts. Credit the account if your company needs to record gains or income. The law of debiting the receiver and crediting the giver arrives into play with personal accounts.


A leaseholder has the right to use the property for a specified period of time according to a lease agreement. An extremely low down payment is made by the lessee to acquire and use the property. Such a property is treated as a real account since it is a business asset. Salaries are an expense for the business whereas outstanding salaries are related to a worker or several workers which means the o/s salary account becomes a personal account.

Journal – It is a log of day-to-day transactions where total credits equal total debits following the double-entry accounting system and using the golden rules for accounting. Each debit will have a corresponding credit and vice versa. Maintaining the accounts of financial transactions according to the golden rules of accounting gives certain advantages. Here, there will be two accounts that will be affected – Machinery A/C and Cash A/C. You will debit what comes in and credit what goes out because both are real accounts. In this instance, Cash is going out of the business, so cash A/C will be credited, and machinery is entering the industry, so its A/C will be debited.

What are the 7 rules of life?

  • Let it Go. Never ruin a good day by thinking about a bad day.
  • Ignore Them. Don't listen to what other people think of you.
  • Give it Time. Give it some time, time heals all.
  • Don't Compare.
  • Stay Calm.
  • It's on You.

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