Tips for DevOps Organization Structure BMC Software Blogs

The drawback is that, if you don't have engineers whose sole focus is DevOps, DevOps can end up becoming a secondary area of focus within your organization. The trick to avoiding this pitfall is to make sure that whomever you assign to your DevOps team-within-a-team gives equal priority to DevOps and the primary team's focus. Every DevOps organization has a strong culture of trust and cross-team collaboration. That means team members need to check their egos at the door, share information freely with others on the team, and work together without regard for hierarchical titles or status. However, the best way of implementing DevOps organization structure by using an automated deployment pipeline. It can be set up for free, such as Jenkins or TFS Build Server (Team Foundation Service).

As the DevOps team collaborates with multiple departments and people, providing them with the right tools and technologies is very essential. Alert escalation and incident management tools play a handy role in helping members receive timely alerts and keep themselves updated machine learning and ai with what’s happening across the infrastructure. With infrastructure as code increasingly gaining momentum, the thin line between development and operations is quickly waning off. The current DevOps team structure contains people who are skilled in coding and operations.


A complicated-subsystem team is responsible for building and maintaining a part of the system that depends on specific skills and knowledge. Most team members must be specialists in a particular area of knowledge to understand and make changes to the subsystem. Taking an example from Spotify, the business teams are called squads, who handle specific services (e.g., search, playlist, player etc.).

By building an SRE team, then, businesses get something very similar to a stand-alone DevOps team that exists alongside development and IT operations. The main difference from an actual DevOps team is that SREs can bring a broader set of skills to the table; for instance, SREs tend to be more heavily involved in incident response than DevOps engineers. The main advantage of this model is that it eliminates the need to hire (and pay for) a totally separate DevOps team. Instead, engineers whose primary role is development or IT ops fill a DevOps role, too. This approach tends to work especially well for smaller organizations, which may lack the resources (or need) for a stand-alone DevOps team. Docker is a platform that automates the deployment of applications inside software containers.

The DevOps lifecycle

This doesn’t mean putting people together if they will regularly share information. It’s easy to create a team with all the needed skills by hiring many people, but the team won’t have resilience as each member handles a small, isolated area. A professional manager’s job is to build a team with a strong mix of skills with overlap while keeping the team as small as possible.

And it’s something we practice a lot when it comes to our own DevOps team structure. We also have other functional DevOps groups besides “Dev” that manage other aspects of our product. Platform teams enable stream-aligned teams to deliver work with substantial autonomy. While the stream-aligned team maintains full ownership of building, running, and fixing an application in production, the platform team provides internal services that the stream-aligned team can use. Make sure you understand the outsourcer’s security landscape and your own responsibilities in this area, as you would with any outside firm.

What are the challenges of adopting DevOps?

Then go down to the individual level to touch every member of the team. The secret to success in a DevOps environment is gaining top-down buy-in across the organization. IT support is another important team that should be integrated into the DevOps lifecycle. It should be automated to match the speed and scale of agile development.

  • The easiest way to get started with DevOps is to identify a small value stream (for example a small supporting app or service) and start experimenting with some DevOps practices.
  • To develop the team for the DevOps culture there is 4 steps to do it, they are as follows.
  • Retrospectives also provide valuable data concerning the success of the process and its approval rating from the team members utilizing it.
  • If you have to deploy your application manually every time then there’s a chance that something will go wrong when it gets deployed again on another machine or instance without intervention, which means downtime.
  • This requires a focus on customer needs and a commitment to continuous improvement.

Thirdly, decentralizing decision-making enables the team to share DevOps responsibilities across the board while allowing them to expedite processes. The leader should ideally be a role model, show integrity, create a trustworthy environment and inspire others to follow that path. Business Goals - The team must understand the business needs and goals and align them with their performance goals and project goals. This means that the business requirements of the organization and the overall company vision must match with the objectives and goals of the DevOps organization structure.

best practices leading orgs to release software faster

Joseph is a global best practice trainer and consultant with over 14 years corporate experience. His specialties are IT Service Management, Business Process Reengineering, Cyber Resilience and Project Management. A DevOps team mindset differs from traditional IT or scrum teams as it is an engineering mindset geared towards optimizing both product delivery and product value to the customers throughout a product’s lifecycle.

For example - After deployment, if there are any issues in the production, the operations team sends feedback to the development and testing team for correction. Similarly, the development team and the testing team do the updates in the non-production servers and any message is passed to the operations team. Here the development can have multiple projects and multiple teams, similarly, the operations team can have multiple teams for attending the production issues and maintenance. Vendor or External team - Here in this case this is suited to a small organization with very disperse and less It experience. Instead of having an internal team, they can contract the DevOps engineers and other DevOps roles from the DevOps service provider or a DevOps consulting company. This reduces the overhead and is cost-effective as well as the internal teams can focus on the core agenda of programming and maintenance.

How four fundamental topologies influence a DevOps transformation.

DevOps teams are usually made up of people with skills in both development and operations. Some team members can be stronger at writing code while others may be more skilled at operating and managing infrastructure. However, in large companies, every aspect of DevOps - ranging from CI/CD, to IaaS, to automation - may be a role. This can include a release manager who coordinates and manages applications from development through production, to automation architects who maintain and automate a team’s CI/CD pipeline. This team structure assumes that development and operations sit together and operate on a singular team - acting as a united front with shared goals. Occasionally called “NoOps”, this is commonly seen in technology companies with a single, primary digital product, like Facebook or Netflix.

Continuous deployment (CD) allows teams to release features frequently into production in an automated fashion. Teams also have the option to deploy with feature flags, delivering new code to users steadily and methodically rather than all at once. This approach improves velocity, productivity, and sustainability of software development teams. DevOps teams should adopt agile practices to improve speed and quality. Agile is an iterative approach to project management and software development that helps teams break work into smaller pieces to deliver incremental value. DevOps is a set of practices, tools, and a cultural philosophy that automate and integrate the processes between software development and IT teams.

Tips for DevOps Organization Structure

At this point in the DevOps maturity, the tools and processes need to be built, maintained, and operated like a product. Making changes in the pipeline to improve the processes or even just to update to tools to stay current will no longer be something that can be done whenever one team feels like it. Because if something breaks, all teams will be unable to deliver software. You need to get there somehow, and that probably means a transitional organizational structure.

Qualities of a DevOps team

When used together, agile and DevOps result in high efficiency and reliability. They empower DevOps practices by helping to improve collaboration, reduce context-switching, introduce automation, and enable observability and monitoring. When security teams adopt a DevOps approach, security is an active and integrated part of the development process. DevOps aligns development and operations to optimize quality and delivery. Enabling teams are helpful as a part of a scaling strategy, as stream-aligned teams are often too busy to research and prototype new tools and technology. The enabling team can explore the new territory and package the knowledge for general use within the organization.

Automation is one of the most important DevOps practices because it enables teams to move much more quickly through the process of developing and deploying high-quality software. With automation the simple act of pushing code changes to a source code repository can trigger a build, test, and deployment process that significantly reduces the time these steps take. DevOps teams use tools to automate and accelerate processes, which helps to increase reliability. A DevOps toolchain helps teams tackle important DevOps fundamentals including continuous integration, continuous delivery, automation, and collaboration. The understanding each team member brings from their discipline will reduce the need for handoffs and will make sure problems are found sooner or prevented altogether.

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